A Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) is a key component of a Development Application. A SEE explains how a proposed development has been designed to meet requirements of Council and minimise the impact on adjoining and nearby land, community services, public health and safety, ecology and the character of the area.

Council requires a Development Application to be lodged for all proposed developments that don’t meet criteria for exemptions or complying development.

SurveyPlus Town Planners have worked for and with multiple Councils and are aware of the triggers that Council look for in a development application, which non-compliances are serious, and which can be justified. Having a comprehensive and professionally prepared SEE will save you time and money.

The process

  • Client discussions regarding proposed development options
  • Site analysis and Detail / Contour Survey
  • Assessment of relevant planning legislation and environmental controls
  • Liaison and negotiation with Council
  • Preparation of Statement of Environmental Effects document


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Statement of Environmental Effects See

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Dawes Avenue, Castle Hill

Survey for construction of 8 storey (plus 2 basement) residential building complex containing 78 residential apartments and 86 car parking…
